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    Reception Places for September 2025

    Although we are an Academy we adhere to The Local Authority (LA) admissions policy. 

    Parent/Carers need to apply on-line from 1st November 2024.  The deadline for applications is 15th January 2025.

    You will find out which school you have been offered in April, this is known as National Offer Day and is the same across the country.  You will be sent an email if you apply on line and if you use a paper application form your offer letter will be posted, 2nd class, on this day.

    Further information can be found at the links below:

    Leeds City Council Admissions Information - How to apply

    Leeds City Council Admissions Information - Admissions Policy

    Leeds City Council Admissions Information - Online Application Form

    Please note that even if your child attends our nursery, you will still need to apply for a school place. Children attending nursery are not automatically offered a place in the primary school.  

    If you are offered a place at our school, then you need to contact us as soon as possible to accept or decline the offer.  Please email us at:


    Nursery (3yo) Admissions

    Start dates for nursery are potentially September, January or April and are dependent upon availability.  We have 78 places and are frequently oversubscribed. Therefore, we are unable to offer places to all the families who apply.

    Offers of a nursery place will always be made in writing.

    If we are oversubscribed, we allocate children according to the following priorities:

    1. If they are a sibling of a child / children in our school
    2. Children who live in our local area
    3. Children who are likely to be admitted by the Local Authority to our Reception
    4. Children who use our pre-school provision

    Please note that attending our Nursery does not guarantee you a place in our school.

    15 HOURS

    15 hour, 3 year old entitlement is offered over 2 weeks with children attending 3 full days 1 week (18 hours) and 2 full days the next week (12 hours).

    If you require extended care beyond fifteen hours during the school day, then you can contact the school office for more details. Please wait for your official nursery place to be sent to you before enquiring about Extended Care.

    30 HOURS

    We can offer a certain amount of 30 hour places to those families who have an eligibility code. We only offer this over 5 school days, term time only.

    We are no longer able to split the 30 hours with any other provider and child care before and after school will not be included as part of the funded hours.

    Child care from 7.30am-9am and from 3pm-6pm will be available if there are places and will be chargeable.

    Information regarding prices and times of wrap around sessions can be obtained from Manor Wood Out of School Club provision.

    The club, which accommodates children across the whole of school is extremely popular and often over-subscribed; therefore, you need to make enquiries well in advance if you would like a place. We also run sessions during certain school holidays and Training Days.

    If you are interested in finding out more about Manor Wood Out of School Club contact the team on 0113 2693515. You can also email:

    We will endeavour to meet your requirements but unfortunately we are unable to make any guarantees at the time of application.

    Nursery Application Form

    Nursery Application Form

    Part of Owlcotes Multi Academy Trust

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