At our school we want pupils to be Masters of Technology and not slaves to it. Technology is everywhere and will play a pivotal part in students' lives. We want to model and educate our pupils on how to use technology positively, responsibly, and safely. We recognise that the best prevention for a lot of issues we currently see with technology/social media is through education. We also recognise that technology can allow pupils to share their learning in creative ways. We encourage staff to try and embed computing across the whole curriculum to make learning creative and accessible.
Our children develop a love of computing and provide children with the ability to enhance their knowledge, skills and understanding through different types of media whilst keeping safety at the forefront of their minds. We believe that this will give our children the tools they need to succeed in a digital world. Children are taught about their digital footprint and where to seek support and advice should they need it. We encourage children to use, express themselves and develop their ideas through a range of information technology. A core aspect of our computing teaching is the teaching of computer science in which pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work, and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. We aim to make explicit links to maths, science and design and technology and celebrate these in our STEM room.
We develop independent learners who are fluent in their understanding of computer science by teaching them how to use a range of programs where they can design, create and evaluate their work using specific vocabulary. In every year group, online safety is a key focus and we are proud that a vast majority of our children have the knowledge and understanding of how to stay safe online. We promote the importance of using technology safely and respectfully.
At Manor Wood, we have created a Computing curriculum that takes our children on a learning journey through school. We endeavour to teach through opportunity, exploration and via a sequenced curriculum that builds with the children. To support our students we put vocabulary at the heart of our computing lessons to ensure pupils are clear about the learning we are asking them to tackle.
We recognise that computational thinking is all about solving problems effectively with or without a computer. Therefore, our computer coding lessons are preceded with unplugged activities to help reduce cognitive load. Whenever beneficial, teachers and pupils invest time in Tinker Time to explore new software, share new findings and ignite excitement and passion for learning.
All ICT topics are taught discreetly within timetabled computing lessons and then revisited with planned, purposeful cross curricular opportunities. This helps children interrupt the forgetting curve and empowers students to use technology purposefully across the curriculum.
We encourage our children to enjoy a purposeful, exciting computing curriculum that provides opportunities to learn within computing lessons and enrich cross curricular opportunities. We foster independent young people who are able to use technology effectively and respectfully.
In an ever increasingly digitised world, finding the right balance with technology is key to an effective education and a healthy life-style. We feel the way we implement computing helps children realise the need for the right balance and one they can continue to build on in their next stage of education and beyond. Building on our RP platform, we encourage regular, open discussions between staff and pupils to best embed and understand this.
We use Seesaw as our virtual learning platform which enables our pupils to share a digital portfolio of learning with parents and carers. The aim is to provide a continuous window of visibility into our student’s learning journey, enabling stakeholders to celebrate progress and remain closely invested in the learning loop.